Events calendar

FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes

Event type
SSO Kongres
Member event
SSO Kongress 2023

Der wichtigste Kongress für Zahnmedizin in der Schweiz. In diesem Jahr feiern wir das 100-jährige Bestehen des SSO-Kongresses. Bei den rund 30 Fachreferaten am SSO Kongress 2023 dreht sich alles um Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Zahnmedizin. Ob in der Implantologie, Parodontologie oder der rekonstruktiven Zahnmedizin: Die Referentinnen und Referenten schauen zurück oder zeigen künftige Trends in ihren Fachgebieten auf. Und am Samstag finden die beliebten Kurzreferate eine Fortsetzung. Diesmal zum Thema Endodontologie.

The 79th Congress with international participation of the Romanian Society of Stomatology and of the Romanian Society of Oral Medicine
Member event
The 79th Congress with international participation of the Romanian Society of Stomatology and of the Romanian Society of Oral Medicine
CE programme
CE programme
Soft and hard tissue management for implant rehabilitation in the aesthetic zone
Prof. Dr. Phoebus Madianos
Bucharest, Romania
79th International Congress of the Romanian Society of Stomatology and of the Romanian Society of Oral Medicine
Member event
CE programme
CE programme
Personalized bone reconstruction in orthodontic point of view- indication and limitation
Prof. Tomazs Gedrange
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
7th Dental Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina
CE programme
CE programme
Digital Technologies for Every Day Dentistry
Ugur Ergin
Skopje, Macedonia
26. BaSS Congress
SDA Convention 2023
Member event
Singapore Dental Association Convention 2023

The SDA Convention is held once every two years. For this year 2023, it is the 9th edition.

CE programme
CE programme
Recent developments in the field of Paediatric Dentistry
Audrey Camilleri
Szeged, Hungary
Symposium Szeged 2023
Perspectives in Perioimplantology and Comprehensive Dentistry
Member event
Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry
CE programme
CE programme
Ceramic Veneers, A to Z: keys to long term success
Ajay Juneja
Wroclaw, Poland
Polish Dental Association- International Esthetic Congress,
Event type