Find out the elections results of the 2023 General Assembly
On the occasion of the 2023 World Dental Congress, FDI held its parliament meetings to make decisions on key matters by voting members of the General Assembly and Council.

The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme legislative and governing body of FDI. The GA gathers once a year and sets FDI policies, the strategic plan, missions and aims, and monitors progress on their achievement.
With the return of an in-person World Dental Congress, FDI also held its parliament meetings – an integral part of the organization in Sydney, Australia. At the GA held on 26 September, voting members and Council made significant decisions through their votes. This included the appointment of council and committee members during the GA and council elections, approval of the 2023 policy statements, approval of the FDI organizational strategy, as well as the approval of the FDI Position on Free Sugars. The results are as follows:
Election results: newly appointed officers and approved policy statements
Council Members
President-Elect – Assist. Prof. Nikolai Sharkov, Bulgaria
Treasurer – Prof. Young Guk Park, Republic of Korea
Member – Prof. Dr Hiroshi Ogawa, Japan
Science Committee
Chair – Prof. Jeffrey Platt, United States of America
Member – Dr Walter LAM Yu Hang, Hong Kong SAR China
Further information on the FDI governance structure and election process is available in the FDI Constitution.
New policy statements
FDI policy statements, which detail FDI’s position on issues of interest within the oral health community, are put together through consultation, discussion, and consensus among leading dental experts from around the world. This year, the GA adopted five policy statements:
- Collaboration between oral health professionals and other health professionals
- Mental health and well-being for oral health professionals and dental students
- Alternative direct restorative materials to dental amalgam
- Tooth wear
- Alcohol as a risk for oral health
- Perinatal and infant oral health care
- Social and commercial determinants of oral health
- Oral health for healthy ageing
The newly adopted policy statements will be available for consultation on the FDI website soon and will be published in the International Dental Journal.